Karl Sczuka Grant Prize 2015

Dagmara Kraus and Marc Matter: Entstehung dunkel.


A lyrical noise text

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Using a polyphonic lecture, lyrical structures and rhythmic sound textures, the poet Dagmara Kraus and the sound artist Marc Matter have jointly composed an acoustic picture puzzle from vocal sounds and text.

Here, sequences of phonemes and voices are treated and broken up in such a way that their origins can only be suspected: they dissolve in the patterns and rhythms, the varied repetitions and defamiliarizations, into a dark three-stanza noise poem — consisting of an 'original stanza' and two 'mutants' — whose starting material is exclusively derived from language and voices. A secret, hermetic speaking of that same language and its voice comes to light.

About the authors

Dagmara Kraus, born in Wroctaw (Poland) in 1981, lives and works in Berlin and Carpentras (France). She writes and translates poetry and prose from Polish. After studying comparative literature and art history, she went to the German Institute of Literature in Leipzig to study literary writing with Michael Lentz. She is currently working on a PhD.

Marc Matter, born in Basel in 1974, sound and media artist, musician and author, lives in Brussels. Founding member of the artist group INSTITUT FÜR FEINMOTORIK, with whom he has released numerous records, experimental films and other works since 1997. In 2011 he received the Karl Sczuka Prize for his collaboration on 50 Skulpturen des Instituts für Feinmotorik. From 2005-2010 he worked at the Salon des Amateurs, Düsseldorf, as a DJ, curator and barman. Since 2010 he has been head of 'music and text' at the Institute of Music and Media, part of the Robert Schumann Academy inDüsseldorf. At the moment, the focus of his artistic research is 'record player sound poetry' as well as sample poetry. As a hobby, he conducts research into the behaviour of animals in urban spaces.

Karl Sczuka Prize 2019 Ulrike Janssen und Marc Matter: Meerschallschwamm und Schweigefang

The author's production for Deutschlandfunk Kultur reconstructs mythological devices for sound recording in the form of an audio guide.
