15. April 2019 | Tolle Stimmung mit begeisterten Fans

Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart

Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (Foto: SWR)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (Foto: SWR)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (15. April 2019) (Foto: SWR, SWR1 - Foto: Willi Kuper)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (Foto: SWR)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (Foto: SWR)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (15. April 2019) (Foto: SWR, SWR1 - Foto: Willi Kuper)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (Foto: SWR)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (Foto: SWR)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (15. April 2019) (Foto: SWR, SWR1 - Foto: Willi Kuper)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (Foto: SWR)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (Foto: SWR)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (15. April 2019) (Foto: SWR, SWR1 - Foto: Willi Kuper)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (Foto: SWR)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (15. April 2019) (Foto: SWR, SWR1 - Foto: Willi Kuper)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (15. April 2019) (Foto: SWR, SWR1 - Foto: Willi Kuper)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (Foto: SWR)
Foto: Willi Kuper
Mike & The Mechanics in Stuttgart (15. April 2019) (Foto: SWR, SWR1 - Foto: Willi Kuper)
Foto: Willi Kuper